

You'd rarely spot Sandeep Sahdev without his bright, breezy smile. Even rarer would be to catch him without his camera. You'd find him carrying the faithful SONY Alpha 7R3 everywhere - to the mall, to the park, to the coffee shop and even to his friends' homes... Partly because fifteen years of photojournalism in North India has taught him that like love, a good photograph can be found anywhere. But mostly because, for this third-generation lensman, the camera in an extension of his body.
This easygoing Sagittarius is known for a passionate commitment to his craft, wickedly precise attention to detail and the perennial quest for innovation in every shot. His deliciously quirky work spans all aspects of photography, including portraiture, landscape, fashion, wedding, food, product and advertising. Sandeep makes the offbeat look absolutely immaculate, and he doesn't mind getting messy in the process.
When Sandeep is not busy with his professional commitments, he travels extensively to expand his personal photographic portfolio. Open spaces and soulful melodies intrigue him.
This website is a small sample of the images taken by Sandeep during his adventures.